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Unit 4 Food
发布者:本站编辑 发布时间:2008-7-7 阅读:3476次 【字体:

Unit 4  Food


一、 语音

1. 单词重读

`hamburger       `hungry       `energy       `never    `exercise    `vegetable    `dancer  

`tired           `healthy       `diet        `seldom    `often       `lifestyle    `person

`power           `water         `sour        `salty     `vinegar     `lemon        `hotpot

`roller          `skating       `noodle      `story      `mango       `carrot     `favorite   

 kilo `pancake   `biscuit       `total       `partner    `supermarket  `calory     `vitamin

`peanut           im`portant     ice `cream    pi`ano      po`tato    to`mato    over`all     

question`naire    congratu`lation    a`mount   

2. 不完全爆破

par(t)ner     I wal(k) to my bowl many times a day.    Wha(t) food do you like?

I wan(t) to be a dancer.   I ge(t) tired when I dance.  I nee(d) lots of energy to dance.


Do we need to buy some ↗vegetables?

Are we going to have some ↘fruit?

What do we need to ↘buy?

How often do you walk to ↘school?

二、 词汇

1. 单词

hungry, need, never, exercise, hate, vegetable, dancer, tired, important, healthy, change, before, seldom, fruit, sweet, often, bread, meat, top, fast, juice, person, water, dry, story, ice cream, glass, tea, of course, favorite, kilo, salt, tomato, soup, less than, not…at all, try, feel, luck, supermarket, carry, large, take in, mean, fat, stay, taste.

2. 词组

take more exercise              多锻炼

walk to school                  步行上学

three time a week               每周三次

keep healthy                    保持健康

join the army                   参军

the love of one’s country      爱国心

want to be                      想成为……

play cards                      玩牌

play games                      做游戏

get …from…                    从……获得(得到)……

would like(sb.)to do sth        想要(某人)干某事

less than                       不到

how much/many                   多少

keep fit                        保持健康

not at all                      根本不;一点也不

feel worried                    感到忧虑

Good luck with sth/to sb        祝好运

be busy doing sth               忙于干……;

give sb sth.=give sth to sb     给某人某东西

三、 日常用语

We need an egg and a tomato for the soup.我们需要一只鸡蛋和一个西红柿做汤。

Would you like a glass of water?你想要杯水吗?

Let’s make a pancake.我们做个薄煎饼吧。

How to keep fit?怎样保持身体健康?

四、 语法


never              0%           从不

seldom            20%           很少

sometimes         40%           有时

often             60%           经常

usually           80%           通常

always            100%          总是


I always play basketball with my classmates after school.放学后我总是和同学们打篮球。

Mike is always happy.麦克总是开心。

②表示频率的副词提问,用how often。例如:

How often do you watch TV?你多长时间看一次电视?

Twice a month.一个月两次。

2. 名词(可数名词和不可数名词)


①一般情况是在单数可数名词后加“-s”,如a pen→pens, a sister→sisters.

②以s, sh, ch, x等结尾的单词,变复数形式需加“-es”,如:a bus→buses, a dish→dishes,

a watch→watches, a box→boxes.

③以f,fe结尾的名词,变复数形式需将f,fe变为ves,如:a knife→knives, a leaf→leaves.


a hero→heroes, a potato→potatoes, an echo→echoes, a tomato→tomatoes.


a zoo→zoos, a radio→radios, a photo→photos, a piano→pianos, a  kilo→kilos, a studio→studios.

⑤ 辅音字母+y结尾的名词,变复数形式需先将y变为i,然后再加“-es”,如:

a story→stories, a factory→factories, a family→families.

⑥复数同形的名词,如:sheep→sheep, deer→deer, Chinese→Chinese.

⑦少数名词的复数形式是不规则的,如:a man→men, a woman→women, a child→children,

a foot→feet,an ox→oxen, a mouse→mice, a tooth→teeth, a goose→geese.



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