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Unit 3 Let’s celebrate!-学生频道-【 无锡家教网 - wxjjw.NET】
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Unit 3 Let’s celebrate!
发布者:本站编辑 发布时间:2009-3-29 阅读:2765次 【字体:


.   单词辩音:(选出划线部分一个与众不同的选项)

(    )1.A. festival           B. dress              C. celebrate             D. happen

(    )2. A. treat             B. season             C. spring                D. Easter

(    )3. A. holiday           B. Halloween          C. through               D. ghost

(    )4. A. face              B. date               C. way                   D. mask

(    )5. A. Sunday            B. June               C. cut                   D. summer


6. 在十月二十一日               7. have Halloween parties

8. 乔装打扮                     9. play a game called “trick or treat”

10. 约见某人                   11. rice dumplings

12. 做南瓜灯                   13. at three this afternoon

14. 做恶作剧                   15. during your 10-minute study time

. some, any填空:

16. Could I have ______ apples?

17. Is there ______ water in the bottle? Yes, there’s ______.

18. There are ______ boys in the classroom.

19. I want to get ______ pens.

20. Would you like ______ bottles of orange?


A: __21___ are you going to Beijing?     

B: 10th February.

A: ___22___ is the whether like in Beijing at that time?   

B: It’s very cold.

A: ___23___ are you going to stay in Beijing?

B: In Grandma’s house.

A: ___24___ does Grandma like eating?

B: She likes cakes very much.

A: ___25___ do we need that big bag?

B: Because we need to take lots of things to Beijing.

. 单项选择:

(    )26.Let’s____ .

A. celebration   B. to celebrate  C. celebrating  D. celebrate

(    )27.I’m dressing up______ a ghost. 

A. as            B. for           C. in           D. at

(    )28.They have a party____ February 2nd.

A. in            B. at            C. on           D. /

(    )29.My friends and I always dress up____ Halloween.

A. in            B. at            C. on           D. to

(    )30.People don’t know______ .

A. who are we    B. who were we   C. who we are   D. who is we

(    )31. We cut _____ some shapes to make the eyes, the nose and the sharp teeth.

A. out           B. in            C. into         D. for

(    )32. At_____ , we eat mooncakes.

A. Easter        B. Christmas     C. May Day      D. the Mid-Autumn Festival

(    )33.People _____ celebrate Halloween.

A. in the East   B. in the North  C. in the West  D. all over the world

(    )34.I want to buy a present_____ her.

A. to            B. for           C. with         D. onto

(    )35.Which day of_____ do you like?

A. the week      B. a week        C. week         D. weeks


36. 我要装扮成猴王。

  I’ll _______   _______   _______ Monkey King.

37. 你最喜欢哪个日子?

  Which is your _______  _______ ?

38. 我们戴着面具,穿着特制的服装。

  We wear _______  _______  _______ masks.

39. 我家总是在1031日晚上举办一个晚会。

  My family always have a party _______  _______  _______  _______  _______31st.

40. 圣诞节在12月份。                               

  _______ is in _______ .

七.阅读下面的短文, 完成文后问题:

Read this e-mail from Wendy to her friend in the USA.
Hi Jo,
  Thanks for your e-mail. You want to know more about China? Tomorrow is going to be the Mid-Autumn Festival. It’s like our Thanksgiving. Families get together. It usually comes in September or October. This year it’s going to be on September 15th. On that day families eat a big dinner, like we do. They also eat mooncakes. These are small round cakes. They taste a little like our pies. Many families eat their dinner outside in the open air. The moon looks brighter and rounder on this day. In America, we call this moon the Harvest Moon. Chinese people often talk about families and tell the story of Chang’e. I’m going to a friend’s home for Mid-Autumn Festival.

41.When is Mid-Autumn Festival?

42.What do the families do during the festival?

43.Why do they often eat outside?

44.Do they eat a big dinner and mooncakes on that night?

45.Is Wendy going to a friend’s house on that day


. 单词辩音:

1. D       2. C      3. A       4. D       5. B

. 英汉词组互译:

6. on 31st October               7. 举行万圣节聚会

8. dress up                      9. 玩一个叫不招待就使坏的游戏

10. in the West                  11. 粽子

12. make a pumpkin lantern       13. 今天下午三点

14. knock on the door            15. 在你10分钟的学习时间中

. 用所给词的适当形式填空:

16. some       表示说话人征求对方意见或希望得到肯定答复,用some

17. any, some  第一空格句中是一般疑问句,表示疑问语气;第二空格作肯定回答用some

18. some       陈述句的肯定句用some

19. some       陈述句的肯定句用some

20. some       在相当于祈使句的问句中,用some

. 根据下面的对话填入合适的疑问句:

21. When       回答句中是表示时间二月十日。

22. What       回答句中是很冷,所以询问天气要用What

23. Where      回答句中是表示地点。

24. What       回答句中她非常喜欢吃蛋糕,所以询问就是喜欢吃什么。

25. Why        回答句中有Because表示原因,所以应该用why帮助提问。


26—30 DACBC           31—35 ADCBA

26. 句中谓语动词是let,后面跟动词原形,只有D是动词原形。

27. dress up as… “乔装打扮成……”固定词组搭配。

28. February 2nd是具体到某一天的日期,因此用介词on

29. Halloween万圣节,在某个节日时用介词at

30. 谓语动词know后面是一个宾语从句,宾语从句是疑问句时应用陈述句的语序。

31. cut out“挖去;切去,是固定词组搭配。

32. 中秋节时吃月饼。

33. 万圣节是西方人的传统节日,故选in the West

34. buy sth for sb给某人买某物,应该用介词for

35. Which day of the week一周中的某一天,the特指。


36. dress up as“乔装打扮成……”固定词组搭配。

37. favorite festival  “最喜欢的日子

38. special costumes with  “特制服装

39. on the evening of October  具体到1031日晚上要用介词on

40. Christmas, December  每年12月25日圣诞节是西方最大最热闹的节日。


41.In September or October.

42.Get together.

43.Because the moon looks rounder and brighter.

44.Yes, they do.

45.Yes, she is.

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