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Unit 4 Food
发布者:本站编辑 发布时间:2008-7-14 阅读:2386次 【字体:

Unit 4  Food


一. 单词辩音:(选出划线部分一个与众不同的选项)

(    )1.A. piano          B. hamburger              C. dancer               D. carrot

(    )2. A. knife         B. wish                   C. kilo                 D. important

(    )3. A. mean          B. ice cream              C. health               D. peanut

(    )4. A. bowl          B. tomorrow               C. borrow               D. power

(    )5. A. energy        B. mango                  C. round                D. amount


6.My brother never _______  ________ early every morning.(起床)

7.He is busy ____________(play) football.

8. Does he always ______ (exercise) with you?

9. We are all looking forward to ______ (fish) next week.

10.There are two___________(小刀)on the desk.

11.We need to buy some__________.(芒果)

12.I want to be a________(dance).

13.Let’s_________  (买)some potatoes and carrots.

14.You are a very ___________ (health)people.

15. We ______  ______ (not go) to school on Saturday and Sunday.

三. 单项选择:

(    )16.—How many____ are there over there? —There are fifty.

A. student      B. sheep         C. boy          D. girl

(    )17. —______ does your brother go online? —Three times a week.

A. How much     B. How long      C. How many     D. How often

(    )18.Jenny ____ lifestyle.

A. has a health                  B. have a health 

C. has a healthy                 D. have a healthy

(    )19.My dad_____ a lawyer(律师).

A. wants me to                   B. wants me to be  

C. want to be me                 D. want to me be

(    )20. —I feel tired. I have so much work to do and don’t have much time for myself.

—You should take______, I think.

A. health        B. exercise        C. lesson         D. time

(    )21.He _____ late for school.

A. is often      B. often is       C. does often      D. often does

(    )22.Millie dances for half_____ hour every day.

A. a              B. /             C. an               D. the

(    )23. —How often do you walk to school? —______.

A. Never          B. Two hours     C. 1 point         D. by bus

(    )24.They are busy_____ volleyball.

A. play           B. to play       C. plays         D. playing

(    )25.Good luck _____ your English, Ricky?

A. to             B. with           C. of           D. at


26.I always eat an apple for breakfast.(对划线部分提问)

________  __________  ________  ________ eat an apple for breakfast?

27.I usually have fish and vegetables. (对划线部分提问)

_______  _________  you  usually  _________?

28.She eats some bread for lunch.(改为同义句)

She _______ some bread_________ lunch.

29. I would like a cup of tea.(改为一般疑问句)

__________  __________ like a cup of tea?

30.This is Millie’s bag. (对划线部分提问)

_________ bag _________ this?


The Turners__31__America.They are now__32__Beijing.This is their first visit to China.

They are going to stay in China__33__three months. They want to visit some big cities and villages. They want to learn__34__Chinese, too.

Mr Turner is a driver.He__35__to drive in Beijing. Mrs Turner is a school teacher. She__36__a city school and a village school.__37__daughter is a middle-school student. She meets some Chinese students.

They__38__a lot of pictures in China. When they are back in America, they are going to show(展示)the pictures to their__39__.They want__40__to know more about China. from      B. are from        C. come to        D. comes from

32.A. of          B. at              C. on             D. in

33.A. in          B. on              C. for            D. from

34.A. some        B. many            C. little         D. no

35.A. like        B. likes            C. want          D. wanting

36.A. visit       B. visiting         C. is visiting   D. are visiting

37.A. His         B. Her              C. Your          D. Their

38.A. bring       B. give             C. take          D. like

39.A. mother      B. teacher          C. friends        D. brother

40.A. American    B. Chinese          C. the American people       D. the Chinese people


Kate’s grandpa was very rich and had some shops. The old man began to learn drawing when he was sixty, and he loved it very much. For twelve years he drew a lot and there were many pictures in his workroom. He was satisfied with them and kept them well.

One day the old man was ill. He had to be in hospital. Before he died, he said to Kate,“I want to give my pictures to a school as presents. Then the students will remember me forever. But I don’t know which school I’m going to give to. Can you help me?”

“Well,” said the little girl.“You’d better give them to a blind school.”

41.Kate’s grandpa was____.

A. an owner of shops     B. a teacher     C. a farmer     D. a driver

42.The old man tried his best to be______.

A. an artist             B. a doctor       C. a teacher    D. a shop assistant

43.The old man loved______ very much.

A. reading                B. writing       C. swimming      D. drawing

44.When the old man died, he was______.

A. sixty                  B. seventy       C. seventy-two    D. seventy-three

45.Kate thought her grandpa’s pictures were_____.

A. good                   B. bad            C. beautiful      D. nice




一. 单词辩音:

1. C                  2. A            3. C          4. D          5. B

二. 根据汉语及句意完成下列句子,每空一词:

6.gets up          7.playing       8.exercise        10.knives

11.mangoes         12.dancer         14.healthy       15.don’t go

三. 单项选择:

16.选B。How many后接可数名词复数,只有B是复数形式(sheep单复数式相同)。故选B。

17.选D。因为回答是“每星期三次”, 是表示频率的。故选D。


19.选B。因为主语my dad是第三人称单数,谓语动词也要用第三人称单数形式,句型want sb. to do sth.。故选B。

20.选B。固定词组take exercise“进行锻炼”,故选B。


22.选C。half an hour固定词组,“半小时”,故选C。

23.选A。how often是询问频率,只有never符合题意。故选A。

24.选D。be busy doing sth.是句型,“忙于干某事”。故选D。

25.选B。句型Good luck with+sth., Good luck to+人,故选B。

四. 按要求进行句型转换(每空一词):

26.How often do you 划线部分是频率副词,要用how often提问;第一人称要变第二人称。

27.What do…have? 划线部分“鱼和蔬菜”是宾语,故用what提问,谓语动词用动词原形。


29.Would you…。一般疑问句是将助动词调到主语之前,这句话的助动词是would。第一人称要变为第二人称。

30.Whose…is…。划线部分是人名的所有格形式,因此用whose 修饰名词bag,“谁的”。









38.选C。固定词组take pictures,照像片。


40.选C。前文中提到When they are back in America,表示是美国人民。故选C。


41.选A。从短文中第一句话Kate’s grandpa was very rich and had some shops.可以判断出,答案应该选A。

42.选A。从短文中第二句话The old man began to learn drawing可以判断出,故选A。

43.选D。从短文中第二句话he loved it very much可以判断,故选D。

44.选C。从短文中第二句话The old man began to learn drawing when he was sixty,和第四句话For twelve years he drew a lot可以得出,这个老人七十二岁。故选C。

45.选B。从短文中最后一句话“Well,” said the little girl.“You’d better give them to a blind school.”可以判断出,这位老人的画画得不好。故选B。



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