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Unit 2 My day-学生频道-【 无锡家教网 - wxjjw.NET】
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Unit 2 My day
发布者:本站编辑 发布时间:2008-7-14 阅读:2147次 【字体:

Unit 2  My day


一. 单词辩音:(选出划线部分一个与众不同的选项)

(    )1.A. tuck            B. sun                 C. jump                      D. busy

(    )2. A. assembly       B. about               C. ask                       D. America

(    )3. A. practise       B. trip                C. principal                 D. price

(    )4. A. snack          B. badminton           C. information               D. practice

(    )5. A. cartoon        B. book                C. foot                      D. cook


6. 开晨会                         7. do after-school activities

8. 和某人闲谈                     9. have time to do sth.

10. 约见某人                      11. win the first prize

12. 期盼;盼望                    13. keep a diary

14. 一星期两次                    15. have a class meeting

三. 用所给词的适当形式填空:

16. Mary often ______ (watch) TV at night.

17. Amy is tall enough ______ (reach) the apples.

18. It is fun ______ (chat) with friends.

19. Can you finish ______ (do) your homework in time?

20. I don’t have much time ______ (play) basketball every day.

21. Does Sandy spend an hour ______ (read) Chinese every day?

22. What ______ (be) the news?

23. Thank you for ______ (organize) the school trip.

24. I’d like ______ (go) shopping with you.

25. We look forward to ______(get) your answer.

四. 单项选择:

(    )26.—May I use your pen, Judy? —Yes, ____ !

A. give you         B. I give you       C. here it is       D. here is it

(    )27.I don’t know______ this word. 

A. how spell        B. how I to spell   C. how to spell     D. how do spell

(    )28.The girl has____ to do today.

A. lots of homework               B. a lot of homeworks

C. a lot homework                 D. lots of homeworks

(    )29.We____ go to school on Saturday.

A. sometime         B. some time        C. sometimes        D. some times

(    )30.They______ at school.

A. have lunch       B. have a lunch     C. have a breakfast D. have the breakfast

(    )31. I gave _____ to the poor girl.

A. the whole money  B. whole the money  C. the all money    D. all money

(    )32. I always speak every sentence_____ to improve skills.

A. many time        B. much times       C. many times       D. few time

(    )33.I usually watch TV _____ .

A. two time a week               B. twice a week

C. twice week                    D. two times a week

(    )34.I spend some time_____ my dog in the park every afternoon.

A. to walk          B. walk             C. in walk          D. walking

(    )35.He likes_____ magazines and he dislikes_____ a film.

A. read; see        B. see; see         C. read; read       D. watch; watch


36. 一些狗就是不知道怎样玩。

Some dogs _______ don’t know _______ to _______ fun.

37. 我校有200多名学生。

    There are _______ _______ 200 students _______ my school.

38. 我最喜欢的功课是语文和英语。

    My _______ lessons _______ Chinese and English.

39. Millie每周二次去阅读兴趣小组。

    Millie _______ to the _______ Club _______ a week.

40. 我们不应该玩太多的电脑游戏。         

    We _______ play _______ many _______ games.

六.阅读下面的短文, 完成文后问题:

   One day a hungry fox(狐狸)comes to a cock(公鸡)and say, “Hello, Mr. Cock. I know your father is a good singer, but I think you can sing better than him.” The cock is happy. He closes his eyes and begins to sing. The fox catches him with his mouth and carries him away. The people are crying, “Look! The fox is carrying off our cock.”

   Then the cock says to the fox, “Hey, my friend. Can’t you hear? The people are saying that you are carrying off their cock. Tell them I’m yours, not theirs.” The fox opens his mouth and says. “It’s not yours. It’s mine.” Then the cock runs away from the fox’s mouth and flies into a tree.

(   )41.The fox wants to_____ because he is hungry.

   A. get some thing to eat                 B. see some of his friends

   C. talk with the cock                    D. hear the cock sing

(   )42.The cock begins to sing with his eyes closed because ____ .

   A. he is full                            B. he is happy to hear what the fox says

   C. he is a good singer                   D. he likes singing

(   )43.The people are crying because ______.

   A. they are running after the fox        B. they want to catch the cock

   C. they want to get back their cock      D. they can’t help the cock

(   )44.—Why does the cock fly into a tree?—Because______ .

   A. it’s safe there                      B. the people are all there

   C. the fox can’t find him               D. his home is there

(   )45.Which is right?

   A. The cock’s mother is a good singer.  B. The people catch the fox.

   C. The fox eats the cock                 D. The cock is cleverer(更聪明的) than the fox..



一. 单词辩音:

1. D    2. C    3. D     4. C     5. A

二. 英汉词组互译:

6. have assembly                 7. 进行课外活动

8. chat with sb                  9. 有时间做某事

10. meet up with sb.             11. 赢得第一

12. look forward to…            13. 记日记

14. twice a week                 15. 开班会

三. 用所给词的适当形式填空:

16. watches    主语是第三人称单数,所以谓语动词也要用第三人称单数形式。

17. to reach   动词不定式作状语。

18. to chat    动词不定式作真正的主语,it在句中作形式主语。

19. doing      在谓语动词finish后面用动名词,表示已经完成的动作。

20. to play    动词不定式作定语,修饰名词time。

21. reading    现在分词短语,作伴随状语。

22. is         news是不可数名词,谓语动词用单数。

23. organizing 在介词for后面要用动名词。

24. to go      动词不定式,表示“愿意干某事;想要做某事”,语气较婉转。

25. getting    look forward to后跟动名词形式,表示“盼望着某事/做某事”。

四. 单项选择

26—30 CCACA      31—35 ACBDA

26. 朱迪,我可以用一下你的钢笔吗?可以,给你!

27. 动词不定式在句中作谓语动词know的宾语。

28. homework是不可数名词,只能用lots of或a lot of来修饰,a lot在句中作状语。

29. 在谓语动词前应该是副词,“有时候”。

30. 在一日三餐前不用任何冠词。

31. all和whole在句中的位置不同,all放在限定词之前;whole放在限定词之后。

32. times是可数名词,所以可以用many来修饰。

33. 我通常一星期看两次电视。表示频率。

34. 谓语动词spend后面跟现在分词短语作伴随状语。

35. 看杂志要用动词read;看电影要用动词see。

五. 根据汉语完成下列各句(每空一词):

36. Some dogs just don’t know how to have fun.

37. There are more than 200 students at my school.

38. My favourite lessons are Chinese and English.

39. Millie goes to the Reading Club twice a week.

40. We shouldn’t play too many computer games.


41.A  狐狸因为饿了想找东西吃。

42.B  公鸡闭着眼睛开始唱歌,因为他很高兴听到狐狸所说的话。

43.C  人们喊叫因为他们想取回他们的公鸡。

44.A  为什么公鸡飞到树上?因为树上安全。

45.D  公鸡要比狐狸更聪明。


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